Book: The Power of Home Numbers

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By Margie Royal

I was interested in learning more about gematria — which reveals meanings in words and names by calculating their alphanumerical value. I was hoping to learn more by reading “The Power of Home Numbers” by Jesse Kalsi.

While this book doesn’t explore gematria in depth, what it does offer is an intriguing look at Mr. Kalsi and his use of what he calls “AstroNumerology.”

Mr. Kalsi has been featured in many interviews, in print and online. He’s written two books on how numbers affect our lives, and he gives private readings for people looking to change their lives – whether financially, romantically or emotionally.

“The Power of Home Numbers” is full of stories of clients who have been helped by following Mr. Kalsi’s advice and changing the numbers on their home or business address. To Mr. Kalsi, “numbers are alive” and for people to flourish, it’s important to get the right numerical energy around them.

“The Power of Home Numbers” is not a “how to book” as Mr. Kalsi’s system seems to be derived by mixing knowledge of numerology, Vedic astrology and more with his own intuition. In this system, the planets, along with the sun and the moon, have a numerical value.  He looks at the sequence of the home or business address and the astrological significance of the planets grouped together in those numbers. Then he adds in the number values of a person’s birth date. He considers the number 0 as “the amplifer” of the energies surrounding the dwelling or business. If he feels the energy can be improved, he’ll recommend “patching” in another number to the home or business address.

While the book won’t tell you exactly how to apply his system, it does offer many interesting stories of people who came to Mr. Kalsi for advice and how his system helped them to change the energy surrounding their residence or workplace.

The last chapter offers short decodes of famous addresses of politicians and celebrities.

You can order his books or book a private session with him via his website.

“The Power of Home Numbers” is available in paperback or Kindle and in English, French, Spanish or Dutch.