‘Annie Jr.’ Rocks at Barnstormers Youth Theater

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By Lisa Panzer

An effervescent ensemble of gifted youth performers takes ‘Annie Jr.” to rich heights at Barnstormers Youth Theater! Director and Music Director Carolyn Haritos-Bateman leads a stellar cast of over 40 young actors in a totally entertaining musical about little orphan Annie (Chelsea Cosella) who optimistically believes her real parents will come back for her someday. By chance, and some serious innate street smarts, Annie is invited to stay at the house of the very rich Mr. Warbucks culminating in the upbeat musical number “I Think I’m Going to Like it Here”.  Despite the evil efforts of her former ‘care-giver’, Miss Hannigan (Claudia Deisler, Alyssa Judge), Annie finds a truly caring family with Mr. Warbucks (Ben Thomas), his sweet secretary Grace Farrell (Skylar Adam) and adorable adopted dog, Sandy (Jackie Schulman). 

Chelsea Cosella as Annie with Jackie Schulman in ‘Annie Jr.’ at Barnstormers, Inc. Photo by Lisa Panzer

Favorite songs including “Tomorrow”, “Maybe”, “Easy Street” and many others ring out from the stage with gusto. Excellent use is made of the multi-level well-dressed set (J. “Buzz” DiSabatino), keen blocking enables each shining face to be seen, and well-orchestrated scene changes are covered by delightful dancing Usherettes (Jessica Bateman, Sophie Shore, Olive Hosbach, Charlie Graziosi).

Choreographer Jaime Fiorelli has assembled a variety of vivacious dance numbers, including tap, zestfully executed by various cast members. Kudos also go to Stage Managers Bob Bateman and Jenna Collins, and crew for keeping so many marvelous moving parts together. 

BYT’s ‘Annie Jr.’ is bound lift your spirits! The first weekend’s shows sold out so ‘maybe’ don’t wait until ‘tomorrow’ to get your tickets…  

If You Go:

Annie Jr. 

Book by Thomas Meehan

Music by Charles Strouse

Lyrics by Martin Charnin

Based on “Little Orphan Annie”


Remaining shows on June 28th at 7 PM, June 30th at 2 PM at The Barnstormers Inc., 402 Tome St., Ridley Park, PA 19078

Special Outdoor Performance across the street from Barnstormers on June 29th at 6 PM (Bring blankets and or chairs to sit on for outside show) 

For tickets, https://barnstormerstheater.ludus.com/index.php  or call 610-461-9969. 

Reservations highly recommended.