Ridley High School Drama Group (RDG) is thrilled to present this year’s Winter Musical, A Christmas Carol, marking the 25th season of this cherished community tradition. The production features over 100 students from across the Ridley School District, including elementary, middle, and high school students, along with select alumni. This unique blend of performers symbolizes the past, present, and future of Ridley’s vibrant arts community.
Audiences can look forward to a heartwarming rendition of this classic tale, brought to life by the talented cast, dedicated crew, and talented pit orchestra.
Event Details:
📅 Date/ Time: Friday, Dec.13th @ 7:30pm; Saturday Dec. 14th @ 7:30pm; Sunday Dec. 15th @ 3:00pm; Friday Dec. 20th @ 7:30pm; Saturday Dec. 21st @ 7:30pm; Sunday Dec. 22nd @ 3:00pm
📍 Location: Ridley High School Auditorium
Adding to the festivities, RDG will host a Spirits of Christmas Vendor Fair on Saturday, Dec. 21, before the evening performance. This community event offers an opportunity for last-minute holiday shopping, delicious food and sweets, and a chance to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus. Proceeds from the fair will go toward purchasing new sound equipment for the performing arts department, ensuring the continued growth of the program.
Tickets for A Christmas Carol are on sale now, with reserved seating available. Visit www.ridleydrama.com for more information on both the musical and the vendor fair.