Heart Space Fall Events

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Heart Space at Seven Stones, 215 W Baker St., Media, PA, will host several events this fall.

Upcoming Events:

Click on the links for complete details.

Transcendent Chakra Workshop Weekend
Friday Sept 13 ~ 6:30 to 9 PM
Sat/Sun Sept 14/ 15 ~ 1 to 5PM

Sat/Sun Sept 21/22 ~ 12 to 6 PM ~ Two Day Shamanic Training/ Extraction Extraction Healing and Alignment

Transcendent Chakra Intensive Workshop/3 Saturdays
Sat Sept 28/Oct 5, 12 ~ 1 to 5 PM

Wednesday Oct 16 ~ 6:30 to 9 PM ~ Crystals as Healers Workshop

Upcoming Shamanic Training in Heart Space from Sept into the new year.

Please take some time and look over the schedule of event trainings. Each of these is a link to the event with any particulars. Please note cut off dates for each class.
Each training is instructed and guided by Damini Celebre

Sept 21&22
Shamanic Healing: Extraction Healing and Alignment: Removing Energy Blocks and Restoring Flow.

This is an advanced in-person class will deepen your understanding of illness and how one’s spirit can help the physical body thrive or not.

From a shamanic perspective, there are three causes of illness: loss of power, loss of soul essence, and intrusions. We will focus on power loss and extraction of intrusions. Explore different ways to “diagnose” an illness as well as to address its healing. Working with partners, deepen your understanding of spiritual intrusions and learn ways to extract them.

You will learn:

  • The shamanic perspective on intrusions
  • How to “diagnose” unwanted energy in the field
  • Meet a healing spirit to help you remove unwanted energy
  • Receive and perform an Extraction Healing
  • Cord cutting healing
  • The shamanic perspective on illness and health plus the ethical issues of this profound practice.

$350 for the weekend 12-6p

Prerequisites: Intro to the Shamanic Journey or permission of instructor.


Nov 23-24

Ancestral  Healing from a Shamanic Perspective


In this workshop, we will explore how patterns that come from our DNA lineage, and our soul lineage and how those patterns can hinder or  expand our evolution.


In this workshop, you will learn to:

  • Connect with your Well-ancestors for guidance
  • Heal ancestral  patterns
  • Allow your well-ancestors to be a trusted guide


$350 for the weekend 12-6p

Prerequisites: Intro to the Shamanic Journey or permission of instructor



Jan 18+19 2025

Shamanic Healing: Healing with spiritual Light


Healing with Spiritual Light is a shamanic based exploration, based on the work of Sandra Ingerman.


Using the power of Transfiguration we will learn tools to Heal Ourselves, Each Other, and the Earth

Learn potent healing tools and experience life-changing ceremonies. Using transfiguration, the practice at the heart. We learn to let divine light radiate through us to create positive change and enhance any shamanic work for inner and outer transformation.


  • Merge with the pure energy of your compassionate helping spirits
  • Connect to unlimited powers of the universe
  • Practice the ancient art of transfiguration
  • Stimulate your inner light to shine brightly
  • Shape-shift into your divinity
  • Experience states of love, light, and oneness
  • Learn grounding techniques
  • Use a drum or other instrument while transfiguring
  • Be a force for healing
  • Walk in your light


$350 for the weekend 12-6p

No Prerequisites




April 26-27, 2025

Shamanism, Death & Dying: 
This workshop heightens our spiritual understanding of death and dying and teaches ways to assist others as they approach transition. Class includes individual and group psychopomp.

You will learn:

  • The Shamanic perspective on dying and transition
  • Meet a power animal that will help you with this very deep work
  • Learn the guidelines of working with people dying
  • How to support energies that are stuck


$350 for the weekend 12-6p

Prerequisites: Intro to the Shamanic Journey or permission of instructor

Posted in class, Events.