Channeling With Melinda

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Get specific messages channeled from the other side on Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024 at 1pm at Reality Pilates Reformer, 241 Main Street, Royersford.  Melinda’s clear guidance, animation, humor and accuracy will both entertain and enlighten you.
Each person attending will receive an individual channeled message.
The event will begin with a guided meditation to create Sacred space and place you in a receptive state. Melinda will then begin individual channeled messages for each person to experience within the group.
Together these messages combine to create a shared group consciousness message for the group to experience.
Groups are limited to 11 participants. You can also choose to host a private channeling event at YOUR location.
Contact Melinda by text/call 484-477-3805 for details.

Group Channeling

Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024 at 1 p..m at
Reality Pilates Reformer
241 Main Street, Royersford, PA
Pre-register by paying online to reserve your space.
$55 per person
To REGISTER/Reserve your space:
Pay Here via

PayPal/credit card
​Venmo Melinda at @happyseedling

If You Go:

  • Please arrive early to get settled.
  • Doors will be locked at 1pm when we begin.
  • We will stay until everyone has received their message.
  • Have a pen and paper ready to take notes and if given, write down any homework channeled during your reading

About Melinda:

Melinda is an intuitive channel who has been working in the tri-state area for over 30 years. She writes the monthly Intuitive column for Delco Culture Vultures. She offers insight, guidance and often homework to help you achieve your particular goals.

Posted in Events, psychic fair.