Planetary Trends

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WHAT’S UP – January 2025

by Astrologer Belinda C. Dunn

Capricorn/Cancer Full Moon
January 13 @ 5:27 pm

Aquarius New Moon
January 29 @ 7:36 am

Almost halfway through the decade, 2025 dawns bright and clear, filled with potential and promise. It’s a loaded word, promise, but nevertheless, celebrations around the globe are upbeat, exuberant and hopeful. Over the past year, we have witnessed leaders, left and right, east and west, make promises for a better world. So many promises to live up to in the wake of a tumultuous and contentious election season. Not surprisingly, an air of unpredictability, even trepidation, permeates the atmosphere.
Typically, every year begins with high hopes and sincere resolve. After all, the Sun is in Capricorn, the zodiac sign of realistic goals and determined accomplishment. Earthy and practical, Capricorn automatically brings people and projects down to earth. It’s one thing to conceive, visualize, and talk up a plan, but is it doable? Across the board, in a multitude of ways, January is the month, “When the rubber meets the road.”
There are many steps in the manifestation of goals, both short and long term. Most of the time, these steps are taken for granted, driven by need and desire. However, as the Sun transits through Capricorn, let’s go deeper into its metaphysical meaning, particularly as the Full Moon illuminates the night sky, culminating on January 13.
There are twelve zodiac signs portraying the soul’s journey into and through incarnation. Building and developing specific themes, each sign presents a fundamental step, and Capricorn is the zodiac sign of contribution: career, profession, social status, mission. However, one’s contribution is an outward manifestation of an internal process rooted in character, loosely and mystically defined as discipleship. This isn’t necessarily religious in scope, but rather centers around Capricorn values such as integrity, responsibility, ethics and maturity.

Pluto’s 15-year transit through Capricorn

As of last November, Pluto completed a fifteen-year transit through Capricorn. In mythology, Pluto is god of the underworld, churning up and exposing hidden depths of the human psyche. Over time, through this process, there is a transmutation of baser instincts and self centered motives. As the planet of death and rebirth, Pluto’s action is breakdown in order to breakthrough. Denoting a complete transformation, a common symbol for Pluto is the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes of its own destruction.
In recent years, Pluto in Capricorn has exposed a deterioration of numerous social structures, the very institutions society relies upon for some semblance of order. But, as much as people find fault, and throw blame around, it all boils down to Pluto’s core message. When structures are built upon the shifting sands of arrogance and greed, shortsightedness and selfishness, eventually those structures breakdown, and necessarily undergo renovation.
Considering that Pluto is a generational planet, and a fifteen year cycle is complete, where is Pluto now? As of mid-November, Pluto entered Aquarius, where it will remain until 2043. The signs of this monumental shift are present for all to see.

The Sun’s entry into Aquarius

Astrologers look to emerging trends for indications, and January is especially impressive as Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th, and conjoins Pluto on the January 21. Of course, all eyes are on the incoming administration. Many labels have been used to describe styles of governing, but the word plutocracy is relevant, defined as, “government by the wealthy, an elite or ruling class of people derived from their wealth.”
The Sun is a symbol of leadership, and Pluto is the planet of power. This combination is intense and challenging, and a rare synchronicity in a world of no coincidences. Astrologer Robert Hand writes of this aspect, “You may have to contend with a person who is trying to exert unreasonable power, forcing you to defend your right to do things your own way. The person may feel that he or she is doing this for your own good, but that is not usually the case. True Plutonian energy does not manifest itself through someone’s ego drives. It is a transpersonal flow of creative or destructive energy.”
As Pluto begins an eighteen year trek through Aquarius, essential themes rise to the occasion, setting the pace for the next stage of human evolution. All is not lost, and we can’t make this stuff up, there is a larger plan at work here. Let’s look on the bright side.

Capricorn as the testing ground of Earth school

Back to the zodiac wheel, Capricorn represents the testing ground of Earth school, and the ever present choice to choose higher ground based on the virtues of honesty, selflessness, kindness and humility. Ruled by Saturn, it is the zodiac sign of consequence and karma. In recent years, an oft repeated phrase is, “No one is above the law.” But, in reality, human laws are but a mere reflection of natural and cosmic law, and each individual has been given the power of choice.
The next zodiac sign in this unfolding cosmic purpose is Aquarius. After all these Capricorn tests of character, Aquarius goes the next step as the sign of friendship, community, clubs, social organization, and world service. The natural urge of Aquarius is primarily individualistic, but no one person can solve the countless problems in society, and therefore, people join together to affect positive change. In so doing, each person is autonomous and respected for their unique contribution while linking arms in a common cause.
Some of the positive psychological characteristics of Aquarius are: altruistic, egalitarian, unconventional, inventive, scientific, progressive. The more challenging characteristics include radical, rebellious, fanatical, skeptical, coldly detached. Obviously, these are wide ranges of expression, and as Pluto gathers momentum in Aquarius, these traits will intensify, and become more visible.

The early months of 2025

During the early months of 2025, these themes are dynamic, a shifting landscape of power and potential, decisions and action. One of the key planetary players is Mars, currently retrograde. In some ways, there is a reprieve from impulse, but Mars is waiting in the wings, ready for action.
This Mars transit is especially noteworthy as it opposes Pluto three times, a major trend in and of itself. The first opposition to Pluto was November 3. The year begins with a second opposition, exact on January 3. The third and final opposition is April 26. These dates are bookends for a distinct beginning and conclusive ending. Only time will tell, but generally, the combination of Mars and Pluto is assertive, overtly and covertly, instigating power struggles, and ruthless attempts to gain and maintain control.
So where is the silver lining in these seemingly dark clouds? On the personal level, these trends suggest a steeled and steady determination for autonomy. To step out of the madness, and pioneer one’s own path while cultivating networks of connection, such as finding friends on your wavelength, creating environments of belonging, and manifesting sustainable lifestyles.
All factors considered, the theme of dissolution is active for some time to come. On January 11, the North Lunar Node transits into Pisces for the next several years. Additionally, both Saturn and Neptune are wrapping up long term transits through Pisces during the first half of 2025. And to top it off, Venus transits through Pisces from January 2 through February 3.
To review, Pisces is the 12th and final zodiac sign in the cosmic cycle, dissolving manifestations back into infinity. Pisces is mutable and otherworldly, vacillating from confusion one moment to crystal clear clarity the next. These planetary trends can exacerbate a sense of powerlessness, but Venus in Pisces activates the saving grace of compassion for self and others as demonstrated through expressions of tender loving care.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 29

This eventful month concludes with an Aquarius New Moon on January 29, beginning the Lunar New Year, commonly known as Chinese New Year. By now, Mercury has entered Aquarius, and in addition to Sun and Moon, Mercury conjoins Pluto on the 29th. While astrologers will be delineating Pluto in Aquarius for years to come, let’s consider some of the most obvious indications on the front end of this long term transit.
First and foremost is the role of technology, and humankind’s adaptation to rapidly changing environments, for better or worse. In a multitude of ways, technology has taken over our lives, in one form or another, but it’s what we do with it that matters. The long term effects on the human organism are barely known, especially on young minds. Technology is changing education, altering physiology, and creating virtual worlds that have little to do with reality.
Technology can’t be mentioned without addressing the growing field of artificial intelligence, A.I. Robots are here, and capable of taking over many complex tasks previously left to people. This topic will continue to be very controversial as lawmakers, governments, and everyday citizens, attempt to keep up with developments. And, of course, massive shifts are underway in just about every arena: employment, economics, medicine, science, global intelligence, entertainment, to name a few.
Another aspect of technology concerns the media, and the power of information to sway the general public, one way or the other. The human mind is fallible, susceptible to manipulation. Misinformation is rampant, sensationalized and distorted for profit and political advantage. Sowing seeds of division, many media streams foster a mentality of, “us against them.” Reliable news sources are dwindling and under assault, pressured to put profit before truthful reporting.
Secondly, people are looking to the skies. Is it a plane, a drone, an alien spacecraft, or superman? It’s the talk around town, and while opinions are wide ranging, there is little substantial proof, one way or the other. Earth’s place in the wider cosmos, space exploration, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life, will continue to be a subjects of interest and investigation for years to come.
Thirdly, the symbol for Aquarius is the water-bearer. Of all the zodiac signs, this is the only sign represented by a human. Sometimes depicted as male, sometimes as female, the water-bearer pours forth life giving cosmic waters upon the Earth. These waters are super charged as manna from heavenly realms. Symbolically, actually, we are entering an age of ever expanding, universal consciousness. In fact, from the yogic/metaphysical perspective, the human being is multidimensional, beyond the confines of linearity, and this is the final frontier of discovery.

Embrace the extraordinary journey

Once considered science fiction, the world today is transforming before our very eyes. Many of the predictions for these times are coming true, and normal reactions can range from anxiety to fear to dread. But, as another year gets off to a strong start, let’s remember the antidote to fear is curiosity and wonder with an added dose of humor and humility. This is not the time to go asleep, but a time to embrace the extraordinary journey of life on a tiny blue-green planet spinning in an infinite cosmos, according to an intelligent design, created and animated by a Source beyond human comprehension, experienced as LOVE.

Professional Astrologer Belinda Dunn

Belinda Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40 years experience.

Belinda Dunn

She received her initial training at The Temple of Kriya Yoga, Chicago, and graduated from the Temple seminary program in 1974. Over the years, Belinda has shared the ancient arts of astrology and yoga with countless students and clients. Since 1992, Belinda’s popular astrology column “What’s UP,” has provided guidance through a variety of publications, and every month posted on her site:

Belinda’s unique approach to astrology is down to earth, accurate, insightful and healing. Meeting with clients in person, phone or zoom, Belinda lives in Arden, North Carolina. Decades of experience as a parent and grandmother combine with meditation, yoga and energy medicine to round out her ability to offer a transforming experience upon your life path.

For more information and to schedule a personal consultation – EMAIL: PHONE: 828-215-2101