Planetary Trends

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WHAT’S UP – March 2025

by Astrologer Belinda C. Dunn

Pisces/Virgo Lunar Eclipse
March 14 @ 2:55 am (Eastern Daylight Time)

Mercury retrograde
March 15 @ 2:46 am (EDT)

Spring Equinox
March 20 @ 5:01 am (EDT)

Aries Solar Eclipse
March 29 @ 6:58 am (EDT)

It’s no surprise, humanity is living through one of the most uncertain and tumultuous periods in recent history. Often repeated, one of the go-to words used to describe current events is, “unprecedented.” It’s evident, in a torrent of rapidly developing scenarios, for most people, it’s a mighty challenge to remain afloat in these choppy, uncharted waters.
From the standpoint of planetary trends, March is a critical month of no return, a pivot point of destiny, as in, “the shift is hitting the fan.” The process is not to be feared as much as welcomed. However, events erupting during March flow into April as planetary trends merge into a complex whole. In other words, there’s no getting around the fact, in a fever pitch of crisis, what begins in March will carry over into April.

Eclipse Season

Why? First of all, it’s eclipse season with a Lunar Eclipse on March 14, and a Solar Eclipse on March 29. In general, eclipses have long term impact, and effects are experienced four weeks before, and two weeks after. Additionally, this series of eclipses are potentized with transits from Mercury and Venus. These factors combine in never seen before, “unprecedented,” developments taking place over months, but concentrated during March and April.
Let’s begin with the astrology chart for the Lunar Eclipse in the early morning hours of March 14. With the Sun in Pisces, and Moon in Virgo, primary themes intensify around health and human services, food safety and distribution, labor, employment, and social service agencies.
Already a transitional season of rapidly alternating weather patterns, Spring Equinox is the next week, exact on March 20. Herein lies the potential for disruption, volatility, impulsive decisions, and abrupt turnarounds in direction. Eclipses pull back the curtain to reveal underlying conditions, problematic choices, and hidden agendas.
The chart shows Sun conjunct Saturn, a difficult combination at best, indicative of responsibilities and restrictions, made even more onerous with impossible demands. It’s a heavy load, and people will respond in a variety of ways. For example, the Sun signifies vitality, and Saturn is the planet of aging, especially affecting teeth, joints and bones. Saturn’s influence can feel heavy and confining, depressing and hopeless. This challenging eclipse may feel mentally exhausting and physically draining, so take care of your health, first and foremost.
For weeks, if not months, an attitude of anything goes, and free rein has run the show, meanwhile holding people and projects captive. This atmosphere is about to shift, dramatically. As a key player, Saturn naturally imposes limits on unfettered and out of control situations. There is a point when jumping over hurdles is no longer manageable, likened to running headfirst into the proverbial brick wall. Of course, this won’t be true for every person and every situation, but resistance is likely, for one reason or another, leading to reassessment of priorities.

Lunar Eclipse – particularly active in the United States

This Lunar Eclipse is particularly active in the United States astrology chart. In this case, both Moon and Neptune oppose the nation’s Neptune, the planet of illusion and deception, ideology and belief. Since the country’s inception, idealistic principles have held sway over reason as patriotic ambitions have been enhanced and distorted for personal gain and political advantage.
Increasingly, perceived realities are clashing against each other, and the current environment is highly charged, extreme, even fanatical. The most difficult effects of Neptune include psychological abuse, mental illness, propaganda, cultism and addiction. Mass psychosis is induced and fueled by rigid ideology used in fearful and punitive ways. For example, criminality is normalized as outright lies are peddled as truth.
The astrological trends for this historical moment have been building for some time. The progressed New Moon is always an important phase for an individual, and in this case, a country. For the United States, the progressed New Moon was in affect March 2016 – August 2018.
During this time frame, seeds were planted for current events. The seeds are now coming to fruition, and Neptune is the messenger, again. The Lunar Eclipse chart shows not only Sun conjunct Saturn, but Sun conjunct Neptune. At the center of our solar system, literally and metaphorically, Sun illuminates the shadows, and dispels the darkness. Therefore, these eclipses present a reality check of gigantic proportions.
Significantly, this progressed New Moon, so important for the country, was also in Pisces, the final astrology sign of the zodiac wheel. Ruled by Neptune, current trends are characterized by dissolution. A telling image for Neptune is children building sand castles by the seashore. Inevitably, a wave comes along to sweep the castles away. As a nation, we are in liminal space that is both ambiguous and uncomfortable, and the future remains largely unknown.
Before Neptune gets too bad a rap, let’s highlight the positive influences. Psychological and spiritual in nature, Neptune dissolves the boundaries of everyday consciousness. Expanding perception beyond mental constructs and conditioning, Neptune opens transcendent awareness to higher and higher octaves of universal mind. Neptune brings humanity to its knees in the surrender of hitting rock bottom. Unbelievably, this process opens the heart of compassion for self and others. This metaphysical and mystical planet illuminates our galactic heritage, and place within the greater cosmos.

The Spring Equinox, and the Solar Eclipse in Aries

This brings us to the Spring Equinox, and the Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29. By the end of March, the palpable shift from Pisces to Aries is front and center. As much as Pisces energy is contemplative and passive, Aries energy expresses as energetic, assertive, motivated and proactive.
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is pregnant with possibility as the natural world arises from slumber, springing into view. Astrologer Isabel Hickey writes, “From the universal standpoint, Aries is the first impulse of life force into action, the descent of the Divine Spark into manifestation.”
Occurring twice a year, the Solar Eclipse is the exclamation point of cosmic signature. This eclipse is especially dynamic in Aries. On the positive side, Aries traits express as valiant, enterprising, courageous, confident, pioneering, independent. Overall, Aries supports personal empowerment, and individual rights for autonomy and freedom from tyranny.
However, the most challenging expression of Aries is the tendency to forge ahead, go it alone, and make unilateral decisions. Without awareness of other points of view, the self- involved person charges ahead, assuming others will go along to get along. Consensus and cooperation mean nothing in an atmosphere of demands. Over time, those following the leader become weak, resentful and disillusioned.
In addition to these short term influences, slow moving Neptune enters Aries on March 30th. This is an enormous generational shift that will take place over the next fifteen years, but 2025-26 are transitional years. Here again, is a clear indication of endings and new beginnings on a global scale. It is tempting to jump to conclusions, and make predictions narrowly based on current events. However, rare and extraordinary planetary trends are coming together to be explored in coming months.

Mercury retrograde

Since the eclipses are just one piece of a complicated puzzle, let’s turn our attention to Mercury retrograde, a predictable timing mechanism. On March 15, Mercury goes retrograde in Aries. This indicates a strong start to the month, but momentum is cut short or stopped for a lengthy review process. On April 7, Mercury goes direct in Pisces, another indication of communications gone awry, and the importance of logistical, critical, and realistic decision making.
Additionally, Venus goes retrograde in Aries on March 1, and direct on April 12 in Pisces. Astrologer Erin Sullivan writes of Venus retrograde, “An instinctive recoiling occurs at the station-retrograde, sometimes because of an event, at other times as a conscious voluntary retreat. The station-retrograde begins a time of global review; the entire Earth experiences the retrograde phenomenon. We can see how it manifest in the collective by watching the news in regard to diplomatic and international relations. Sullivan goes on to write, “The reconsideration of what is diplomatic, and what is necessary to maintain a balanced world view and sense of integrity, is precisely what happens to the individual when Venus transits a sector of the natal horoscope.”
As Mercury and Venus work in tandem over coming weeks, significant and newsworthy events can produce a deep soul searching of core values, affecting personal interaction within the collective social fabric. More than likely, events and communications will test people’s values and heartfelt sensibilities. For many people, this deep dive will determine their course of action over coming months.
The planetary trends during March set the stage for April. By the end of March, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Neptune will be orbiting within degrees of each other. Additionally, Neptune leaves Pisces, entering Aries on March 30. This first degree of Aries is known as a world point, a powerful activation degree marking significant global and collective shifts when activated by transits. Despite appearances, all hands on deck, working together, a cosmic wake up call is underway for the nation and the world.

Professional Astrologer Belinda Dunn

Belinda Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40 years experience.

Belinda Dunn

She received her initial training at The Temple of Kriya Yoga, Chicago, and graduated from the Temple seminary program in 1974. Over the years, Belinda has shared the ancient arts of astrology and yoga with countless students and clients. Since 1992, Belinda’s popular astrology column “What’s UP,” has provided guidance through a variety of publications, and every month posted on her site:

Belinda’s unique approach to astrology is down to earth, accurate, insightful and healing. Meeting with clients in person, phone or zoom, Belinda lives in Arden, North Carolina. Decades of experience as a parent and grandmother combine with meditation, yoga and energy medicine to round out her ability to offer a transforming experience upon your life path.

For more information and to schedule a personal consultation – EMAIL: PHONE: 828-215-2101