Archive Reviews

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Please note: due to space limitations, only theater reviews written within the past few months will be archived here. After that, they be deleted. Please take a screen shot or copy of any review you want to save. 

Review: There’s Chemistry and Magic In ‘The Manor’

Spread the loveNote: this review was written about a previous staging of “The Manor” in November 2021. By John O ...

Review: Act II’s ‘Christmas in the Catskills’

Spread the loveEditor’s Note: The review that appears below was for last year’s world premiere production. The 2024 production is ...

Review: ‘Cindy of Arc’ Ablaze at The Fire!

Spread the loveBy Lisa Panzer Cindy of Arc (Cynthia Kaplan) unequivocally ROCKS her audience with her music, identity and searing ...

Review: A Touchdown of a Story—LOMBARDI at Stagecrafters

Spread the loveTom Libonate as Vince Lombardi in LOMBARDI at Stagecrafters of Chestnut Hill. Photo by Joanne Davis By Ellen ...

Review: Arden’s ‘Potus’ Boasts Exceptional Cast

Spread the loveBy Tracy Hawkins No, the President of the United States is not making a stop in Old City, ...

Review: Censorship in the “Jim Crow” South: ‘Alabama Story’ at Old Academy Players

Spread the loveALABAMA STORY at the Old Academy Players – featured: Nicole Gerenyi and Mark Johnson By Ellen Wilson Dilks ...

Review: CYRANO DE BERGERAC at Quintessence

Spread the loveDaniel Chase Miller as Christian, Janis Dardaris as Leila and Gabriel Elmore as Valvert in CYRANO DE BERGERAC ...

Review: A Monster of a Story—FRANKENSTEIN

Spread the loveThomas-Robert Irwin as Victor FRANKENSTEIN and Nolan Maher as his Creation, Lightbooth Blackout Productions By Ellen Wilson Dilks ...

Review: Wonderful Cast Shines in Walnut Street’s ‘Jersey Boys’

Spread the loveBy Tracy Hawkins Anyone who grew up listening to WIBG, Hyski, and the Geator with the Heater will ...

Review: Reminding Us of a Tragic time—ROZ & RAY on PCS’ 2nd Stage

Spread the loveEric Rupp and Emily-Grace Murray in ROZ & RAY on the Players Club of Swarthmore’s 2nd Stage By ...

Review: A Diamond Shines Darkly in PCS Theater’s Gothic Production of ‘Hamlet’

Spread the loveby J.S. Alleva Imagine a world where the most well-intended advice from your most beloved relatives leads to ...

Review: Arden’s Thought-Provoking, Inspiring ‘Intimate Apparel’

Spread the loveBy Christina Perryman  In 1905, life is not easy for many people. For Esther Mills, a colored seamstress ...

Review: ‘ELF The Broadway Musical’ is “Sparkejollytwinklejingley!!” at Walnut Street Theatre

Spread the loveBy Lisa Panzer  Looking for a holiday boost? Go experience ‘Elf’ at the Walnut Street Theatre’s main-stage! The ...

Review: Beautiful Memories Played to Perfection in Colonial’s ‘The Homecoming’

Spread the love By Betty Lou Roselle I was thrilled to hear that Colonial Playhouse was doing a play based ...

Review: Colonial Playhouse Opens Pinter’s ‘Betrayal’

Spread the loveBy Betty Lou Roselle Harold Pinter’s 1978 play, Betrayal opened Friday at Colonial Playhouse. Pinter’s plays use understatement, ...