By Margie Royal

Melinda’s A Year Ahead Intuitive readings are given over the phone. She taps into each month of the year ahead, giving the person she’s reading for a kind of a “forecast” of what’s ahead.
In February 2022, I had the opportunity to experience Melinda’s Year Ahead 2 Hour Special reading, given over the phone. I settled into a comfortable chair with a notebook and pen, and she took me through each month. We were thousands of miles apart in different states. But she was able to zero in on things she could not possibly have known about which we have never discussed.
The Year Ahead reading began with a “regular” reading: sort of an overview of what she sees happening now in my world with encouragement on what to pursue and how to pursue it emotionally and mentally.
The reading proceeded month by month and included a personal mantra for the month. Some of mine were “Yes, I can” and “I love my life” and “I heal with music”. She’ll also give you a crystal to work with for each month.
These readings aren’t just offered at the start of the year. They can be given at any time. My reading was given in February so the “forecast” I received for the year ahead extends to February 2023. I found myself mulling over the things she said, and I’ve written down some of the stranger stuff she saw. It’ll be interesting to see how the year plays out and I’m going to have fun checking back on my notes.
Book a reading with Melinda when you have two hours to listen and take notes. It was an intriguing and fun experience and one I highly recommend.
A Year Ahead Tarot Card Readings with Melinda Cahill
A Year Ahead 2 hour readings with Melinda are $222. You can contact Melinda through her Facebook page at (1) Happy Seedling Intuitive | Facebook or text or call 484-477-3805 to set up an appointment.