MAC’s Playreading Series Continues April 10 With ‘Some Assembly Required’

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Media Arts Council (MAC) continues its new playreading series with Some Assembly Required by Toby Teiger

When Madeline Munzel wakes up trapped with her estranged ex-husband, she assumes she’s in Hell. But when she discovers that they’re actually stuck in a mourning machine that saves copies of dead loved ones, she must work with her former spouse and the boy who put her there to figure out how to escape. A play about how far we will go to hold onto the things and people that we love… and what it means to let go.

Directed by Reva Stover

 Date: Thursday, April 10 reading begins 7:30 pm
Location: Media Fellowship House
Pay what you wish, suggested $10 donation

About the Playwright

Toby Tieger is a playwright and screenwriter based in Philadelphia. His script The Illuminati Kid was selected as a Finalist for the 2024 ScreenCraft Animation and Family Competition (top 10 out of ~900) and his work has recently placed in other competitions including PlayPenn’s Foundry program, Stowe Story Labs, and the Roadmap Writers’ Kids’ Television Competition. Toby writes humanist coming-of-age fantasy, often with a focus on LGBT+ characters.

Reading begins 7:30 PM

Tickets: $10.

More information: MAC Playreading Series: Family Business — Media Arts Council

Media Fellowship House, 302 S Jackson St, Media, PA

Posted in Theatre.