Forge Theatre presents ‘The Tin Woman’

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Forge Theatre presents “The Tin Woman” by Sean Grennan.
Directed by Suki
Instead of relishing life after her heart transplant, Joy enters a downward spiral, unsure whether she truly deserves a second chance. Meanwhile, Alice and Hank mourn the loss of their son, Jack, whose heart was used to save Joy. At a friend’s urging, Joy tracks down Jack’s family to find closure. But are Alice, Hank, and their daughter Sammy ready to accept Jack’s death? Based on a true story, The Tin Woman uses humor and pathos to explore loss, family, and what it means to be given new life.

March 14-15, 21-23*, 28-30*, 2025Annie Logo

All Evening shows begin at 7:30 pm; Matinees (marked with an *) begin at 2 pm.

Ticket Pricing

Adults – $20
62 and over $17
17 and under – $17

Ticket link: Ludus – Forge Theatre

Forge Theatre is located in a residential area off the main street of downtown Phoenixville, Pa.

Posted in Theatre.